Adapt or Die: What Your Brand Must Do in 2022
“If 2020 was a time when it became untenable for any marketer to avoid the deeply polarizing issues that upended life around the globe, from racial justice to sustainability to politics, 2021 forced a grand level of clarification about what a brand ultimately means.” — David Kaplan, Adweek
Discord Rising: How Brands Are Embracing Discord As Part of Their Marketing Strategies
With over 150 million monthly active users (accelerated by Covid in 2020), Discord is now pushing to turn the platform into a communication tool not just for gamers, but for everyone from study groups to sneakerheads to gardening enthusiasts.
What is the Future of Brand-Building in the metaverse?
“[Web 3.0] is not about spending more time on devices, but making that experience better and connecting with each other in a better way.”
What Buzz Word 'Authenticity' Should Mean to Brands
One of the most over-used words and aspirational concepts for direct to consumer marketers is authenticity. In a world of growing consumer awareness and skepticism, people can easily see when a brand is jumping on a bandwagon or making a cheap cash grab.